That's right you read right-I got FREE Mt. Dew at CVS!!
4 12 packs of Mt. Dew for $12
-$2 coupon I had = $10
Used a gift card that I had got previously with a new prescription, which = 4 12 packs of Mt Dew FREE! PLUS, I got the $3 Extra Care Bucks too!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Free Mt. Dew at CVS!
Posted by Denise at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Save at Walgreens!
Walgreens has a coupon good for $10 off $40 Friday August 29th & Saturday August 30th. This could come in handy since it's the end of the month for those last minute Easy Savers during August. Go Here to print the coupon and save!
Posted by Denise at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Guess What I Got!?!?!?
My MIL came over and brought all these boxes of jars to us, she called the other day and asked if we wanted them--well, yeah! She was going to take to the recycling center and then happen to think that we may want them, and I said yeah, that we would sure take them!
But....I got such a surprise!!
A PRESSURE CANNER!!! I couldn't believe it!
I have a regular water bath canner, but we were just saying again a couple of days ago how we would like to try to get a pressure canner so we would be able to try to can soups and stews and so forth, but they cost SOOO much. And then she just gives me this one!! What a Blessing! Once again I am SO thankful to the Lord for His many blessings he gives us!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
What am I thankful for?
The Lord's many Blessings, and for example this cabbage head that's what! It's GINORMOUS!! The picture in NO way does this thing justice let me tell ya! So, not only am I grateful for the HUGE cabbage head, but that it was given to us for FREE!! Yes FREE!! A guy at church gave it to us--just gave it to us! He grew these himself and they were ALL this big!! It's like cabbage on steroids!ha Needless to say we will be busy for a while "working" this bad boy up! blessings. Thanks Lord!
Posted by Denise at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Labels: free, garden, gratituesday
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday Redbox Code & I Got My Free 100 Calorie Smart Cakes!
Here is the weekly Monday Redbox code for a free DVD rental: X4N19P
(It expires tonight at midnight)
I got my free Orville Redenbacher 100 Calorie Smart Cakes in the mail today and also got a coupon for $1 off 2! Have you got yours? If not go Here to sign up to get yours too!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
It's Our Anniversary!
Today is our Anniversary! We have been married 22 years! We are going to go about 2 hours from here to an Amish place and eat their big dinner, go to the little shops and maybe take a buggy/wagon ride! We really enjoy ourselves whenever we go there, so can't wait!
Posted by Denise at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: anniversary
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sign up for your chance to win at the following blog giveaways:
Sign up for a $25 Save-a-Lot gift card at Free 2 Be Frugal. There will be 4 winners selected Aug 28th.
How about $160 in coupons? Head on over to Frugal in Virginia but hurry, this one ends Saturday August 23rd at 9pm!
Win a Gourmet Cupcake Maker from Girl Gourmet at Mommies With Cents. This one ends Aug 24th.
Sign up for a Couponizer at Sisterly Savings. This giveaway will end Aug 29th at 10am EST.
Posted by Denise at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Friday Freebies
Free Sample of New Bounce Awakenings Here.
(Thanks to Penny Pinching Parent)
Free Eukanuba Puppy Kit and $5 off coupon Here.
(Thanks to My Savings)
Free Pedometer to help you count those steps! Here
(Thanks to Free Stuff Times )
Free Sample of Purex Here
(Thanks to Homemaker Barbi)
True Lemon, True Lime Sample Here
(Thanks to Coupon Cravings)
FREE Crayola Dry erase Markers Here
(Thanks to Christi's (2) Cents and imommies)
And a couple of extras...
Don't forget the $5/20 at Walgreens coupon good for August 22nd & 23rd only. Go Here to get yours!
Outback Steakhouse has a steak dinner special for $9.99. Go Here for more on this yummy deal.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Free Chicken Sandwich At McDonalds!
Go Here to print your coupon for either a FREE Southern Style Chicken Biscuit during breakfast hours or a Southern Style Chicken Sandwich during lunch or dinner hours with purchase of a medium or large drink. And a lot of the McDonald's around our way now have ANY size drink for just a $1.00! Can't beat a FREE sandwich! Just be sure to print your coupon out in color, they will not accept it in black and white.
Posted by Denise at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Wednesday Redbox Code & a Few Other Goodies!

Here is the Wednesday Redbox code for a free DVD rental: JK4HM5
Just one more for the month of August.
Free Toilet Paper
Go Here to get a full size roll of Scott toilet paper. Now tell me, who couldn't use this!ha Thanks to Frugal In Virginia and Freebies 4 Mom for this tip!
Try Orville Redenbacher's 100 Calorie SmartCakes
Go Here to get yours. Thanks to Coupon Saving Family for this tip!
Posted by Denise at 3:17 PM 0 comments
Finally! I can upload pics again!--I think..
I haven't been able to post for the last few days, I've been having trouble for some reason uploading photos and such-have no idea why--fine one time, not the next--technology--ugghh!
Posted by Denise at 1:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: posts
Friday, August 15, 2008
Frugal Friday--Poor Chicken!
Poor Poor Chicken, this is all that is left of it!
We had rotisserie chicken on the grill the other day, we were at Mendards a while back and they had marked down a rotisserie that mounts on your gas grill so we got it. We seasoned up the chicken and let it cook for about an hour and a half or so. It was really good and it was even pretty to look at it--that is before we tore into it!ha! (I forgot to take pictures of all that)Well, after we all had our fill, we tore off all the other meat left on the chicken and had it the next day for lunches as sandwiches and then took all the bones, etc left and boiled it to make broth that I froze and we will use the broth for making something else! So, at least 3 meals out of one chicken-not too bad! I have read on some other blogs where depending on the size of the chicken they have got more uses out of a chicken, but I thought that was pretty good--baby steps! I was proud of myself!
Posted by Denise at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Thrifty Thursday!
Our youngest sons Jeep Cherokee Sport needed some new rims, as you can see they looked kinda ugly and new ones were going to be quite a bit of money as you can imagine, soooo--we decided to spray paint the rims and make them "new". My DH took each tire off and scrubbed with a brush,cleaned each rim with paint thinner and wiped them off, then taped each tire off with newspaper so as to not get paint on the tires and sprayed each one with spray paint for metal and a "chrome" look.
Pretty good huh?
Posted by Denise at 9:58 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Gratituesday--on Wednesday!
Tomatoes and Beans and Corn oh my!
We have been SO busy here lately with harvesting the many different things out of the garden, so busy that I haven't had time to even post about it! As you can see (kinda-the picture turned out dark--sorry!)we have canned some things and froze some things-no rhyme or reason really, just to have a variety and our freezer is beginning to get on the full side from all of it! Great "problem" to have huh? But I want to be sure and give thanks and praise to our wonderful Lord for His many blessings yet again!
Posted by Denise at 3:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: garden
Wednesday Redbox Code
Redbox is giving out codes on Wednesdays again the entire month of August!
Enjoy your free rental! Today’s code: Y72LR2 (It expires tonight (Wednesday, Aug 13) at midnight.)
Posted by Denise at 3:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Free Cereal at Wal-Mart!
Be on the look out for cereal deals at Wal-Mart! At our Wal-Mart they have some of the Malt-o-Meal cereals for 2 for $2.oo, so $1.00 each--duh! I had 2 coupons for $1.00 each=FREE CEREAL!
Posted by Denise at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back From Church Camp!
We are back from Church Camp!
It was really great to see everyone again and catch up with ones that we haven't seen for quite a while--some since last year at camp!
But most of all it was especially nice to be in all the services and draw closer to our Heavenly Father!
Posted by Denise at 2:30 PM 0 comments